Georgia DUI Law
A Resource For Lawyers And Judges
They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but they fail to warn you of the nearly two million steps that must follow in order to finish the journey. Completing this book was similar to living in a boot camp for three and a half years. The early research and initial drafting of the book involved waking up every morning at 4 a.m. for almost two years. The experience has caused me to be a stronger, wiser and more tolerant human being. I give my unending thanks to my wife Susan Stein, who helped me to maintain my composure during this process.
The desire to write this book emanated from my perception of a need for a reliable resource that DUI litigators could count upon as a focal point for formulating a viable defense. As a result, I wanted to author a book that both accurately describes the holdings of appellate cases and has reasonable, realistic suggestions in the practice pointers.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to a long-time, dear friend who is member of my firm, Dennis Lyden. He is a brilliant lawyer with an exceptional talent for writing. His gifts as a wordsmith and grammarian assisted me every step of the way during this challenging endeavor. Our numerous editorial arguments over the past year(s) have resulted in a truly fine finished product.
Additionally, I wish to express my deep appreciation to the talented lawyers in my firm who assisted me during this endeavor. They are: Steven Ward, Brian Caron, T. Kevin Mooney, Mary Beth Wood, Erin Gerstenzang, and Trina Griffiths. Their patience and faith helped make this work possible.
A special thanks also goes out to Dr. Stefan Rose and Dr. David Stafford for their assistance and contributions with the portions of the book that are dedicated to scientific and chemical evidence.
In summation, to be a good trial lawyer, you must know the facts, possess an above-average grasp of the historical development of DUI law and have knowledge of the intricacies and predilections of human nature. Add practical experience and a zeal to excel to this formula, and you have the “right stuff’ to succeed in court. This book is published for those lawyers who are brave enough to proceed to trial for their clients accused of DUI.
Finally, I hope that judges who preside over DUI matters will find this book to be an accurate source to assist them in their decision-making process.
George A. Stein
Atlanta, Georgia
June 1, 2018

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